About Attentis®

Attentis Pty Ltd is an Australian engineering company that commenced developing smart sensing and wireless data transmission solutions for the Utilities and Emergency Services in California in 2009, during the inception of the IoT (Internet of Things).

Pioneering integrated networks, we combine diverse sensing capabilities, high speed data transmission and functional interactive software to present real-time information to aid informed decisions, transform situational awareness and increase efficiency through monitoring, notification and active tracking. We have invested 10 years developing networks designed to improve human understanding of, interaction with, and response to, the environments we all live in.

Our networks provide real world, tangible solutions to climate change, air quality, storm asthma, bushfire/wildfire ignition, flooding, smarter agriculture, air, water and soil health, and environmental monitoring.

Measurement is the first step that leads to understanding and eventually improvement. If you can measure change, you can understand the factors that impact change, leading to improvement and better outcomes.

For more information, please visit our website at https://attentistechnology.com

About LVIN

The Latrobe Valley Information Network (LVIN) is an integrated, region wide, real-time environmental monitoring network combining bushfire/wildfire and flood detection, thermal and visual imaging, air composition and movement and microclimate weather.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here you will find answers to some of the main questions being asked about this project. If you have a question we haven't covered, please get in touch with us.

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